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Prof. Dr. Ulrike Niklas

Curriculum Vitae

Professional Experience

since 08/2006
University Professor and Managing Director of the Institute of Indology and Tamil Studies at the University of Cologne.

Since fall semester 2008/09 concurrent lectureship for Tamil language at the Seminar for General Religious Studies at the Westfälische Wilhelms-University Münster. Since October 2008 Managing Director and Person in Charge for Research and Teaching at CITS - Center for Inter- and Transcultural Studies at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the University of Cologne.

11/1999 - 07/2006
Assistant Professor for South Asian Studies at the National University of Singapore. Involvement in progamme planning and organizing the newly established South Asian Studies Programme, particularly development of a study curriculum (see below "Teaching Experience")

07/1999 - 10/1999
Short-Term Lecturship (3 months) at the Folklore-Department of Madurai Kamaraj-University (India), sponsored by DAAD. Objective of this lectureship was to teach university staff and advanced students about computer-based audio-visual documentary techniques and to contribute in the establishment of a website about the programme.

07/1997 - 10/1997 und 07/1998 - 10/1998
Two Short-Term Lectureships (each 3 months) at Pondicherry University (India) in the framework of the "Indo-German Project on Cultural Anthropology" scheme. Conduction of a project on the "The Mystery of the Threshold. Ali of Southern India" aiming at documenting (by videotaping and pulishing a book) the Ali-Community in South India.

10/1996 - 10/1999
Postdoctoral research fellow (1/2 BAT IIa) in the framework of the KOHD-project (Catalogueing of Oriental Manuscripts in Germany) by the Acamdey of Sciences in Göttingen/ National Library in Berlin.

09/1991 – 09/1993
Allocation at the Institut Francais de Pondichery (IFP) to continue research on Tamil Prosody in the framework of a larger project of the IFP on the Classical Tamil-Grammar. Setting up and management of a project on the collection, translation and interpretation of folkloristic (oral) Tamil-Literature. In addition to it supportive work in a project on Sivaism in South India (based on sources in Sanskrit and Tamil) as well as managing the newly established "Publication Branche" of the Departement d'Indologie.

early 1988
Research trip (3 months) to Paris in order to compose a catalogue of the Tamil department of the library of the École Francaise d'Extrème-Orient.

01/1987 - 12/1987
Postdoctoral research fellow (BAT IIa) at the Institute of Indology and Tamil Studies at the University of Cologne in the framework of a project on the composition of a taxonomy on classical, post-classical and neo-classical Tamil-Literature as well as on a catalogue of the Tamil-Library of the institute. In addition to it involvement in teaching (Tamil) and administrative work of the institute.

since SS 1986
Lectureship for Tamil at the Ruhr-University of Bochum.

11/1980 - 10/1984
Pre-doctoral Research Assistant (BAT IIa) at the Seminar for Oriental Studies and Indology at the Ruhr-University of Bochum. Besides research work and teaching (Sanskrit and Tamil) supportive work in the library and administration of the institute.

04/1976 - 10/1980
Student Research Assistant at the Institute of Indology and Tamil Studies at the University of Cologne, particularly in the library (catalogueing)


Habilitation (venia legendi: Indology and Tamil Studies) at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the University of Cologne (officially awarded on December 2, 1998)

10/1993 – 12/1996
Fellowship in the framework of the Lise-Meitner-Programm (MiniWuF NRW) to write a Habilitation-Thesis on "Die Anfänge der tamilischen Rhetorik und ihre Sanskrit-Quellen" (The Beginnings of Tamil Oratory and its Sources in Sanskrit" (working title). - During this time research work for the thesis at Institut Francais de Pondichéry (IFP) in India.

01/1991 – 05/1991
Allocation at the Departement d'Indologie of the Institut Francais de Pondichery (IFP) and continuation of the work on Yapparu?kalakkarikai.

11/1988 — 10/1990
Research on Tamil Prosody, particularly beginning of studies and translations on Ceyyu?iyal of Tolkappiyam and its commentaries as well as working on a new edition and first annoted translations of the Yapparu?kalakkarikai and its commentaries at the Tamil Department of Madurai Kamaraj University - once again as a stipendary of the Government of India and the DAAD. Besides the research work beginning of collecting and study of folkloristic (mainly oral tradition) Tamil-texts of the genre "katai" ("Ballad", "Narration"), including fieldwork.

04/1988 — 07/1990
Self-financed stay in Thanjavur to continue studies on Classical Tamil and data collection to prepare a larger project on Tamil Prosody.

Conferral of Dr.phil. by the University of Cologne. Titel of the thesis: "Einführung in das Muttollayiram. Ausgewählte Verse zur Einführung in das Klassische Tamil. Mit metrischen, grammatischen und syntaktisch-semantischen Analysen sowie vollständigem Glossar" ("Introduction to Muttollayiram. Selected verses providing an introduction to Classical Tamil. With metric, grammatic, syntactic-semantic analysis and a complete glossary")

12/1984 - 02/1986
Study of literature and grammar of Classical Tamil as well as different aspects of Tamil Culture at Tamil University of Thanjavur as stipendiary of the Government of India and the DAAD in the framework of the Indo-German Cultural Exchange Programme.

Conferral of Magister Artium (integrated B.A. and M.A. degree) at the University of Cologne. Study courses: Indology (major), Tamil Studies (1. minor) and Oriental Art History (2. minor; University of Bonn). Title of the thesis: "Edition der 14 großen Felsedikte des Asoka in Erragudi (Andhra Pradesh, Indien)" (Edition of the 14 rock edicts of Asoka in Erragudi (Andhra Pradesh, India)".

ab 1979
Attending courses in Indology at the Seminar of Oriental Studies and Indology at Ruhr-University of Bochum. - In addition to it, attending of multiple study courses on Indo-German Studies at the Universities of COlogne (Vedic and Avestan Language) and Bochum (Hittite Language)

Final change of study courses: study of Indology, Dravidian Studies (Tamil Studies) and Oriental Art History at the Universities of Cologne and Bonn.

WS 1973/1974
Beginning of study of German Studies, Philosophy and History.

Abitur (German school leaving examination) at classical branch of the Städtische Luisengymnasium (in that time: Luisenschule II) in Düsseldorf

CV-related Remarks

1.Main academic supervisors and professors during my studies
Dr. R. Birwe (Indology, Cologne)
Dr. K. Fischer (Oriental Art History, Bonn)
Dr. K. L. Janert (Indology, Cologne: doctoral thesis supervisor)
Dr. B. Kölver (Indology, Cologne)
Dr. E. Neu (Indo-German Studies (Latin and Hettite Language), Bochum)
Dr. K. M. Shastri (Dravidian Studies (Telugu), Cologne)
Dr. J.-F. Sprockhoff (Indology, Bochum)
Dr. M. Thiel-Horstmann (Indology, Bonn)
Dr. J. Untermann (Indo-German Studies (Vedic und Avesta Language), Cologne)
Dr. C. Vogel (Indology, Bonn)

further academic supervisors and teachers
Dr. T. R. Chopra (Indology (Hindi), Bonn)
Dr. K. Nachimuthu (Dravidian Studies (Tamil). Cologne)
Dr, N. N. Poti (Dravidologie (Malayalam, Tulu), Cologne)
Dr. P. R. Subramanian (Dravidian Studies (Tamil), Cologne)

Language Skills

Mother tongue: German

European Language
Latin (9 years of study; Big Latinum)
Englisch (fluent in speaking, writing and reading)
French (fluent in speaking in speaking, writing and reading)
Spanish (speaking, reading)

Indian Languages
Sanskrit (passive, very good)
Pali (passiv, very good)
Prakrit (passiv, good)
Tamil (fluent in speaking, writing and reading)
Malayalam (reading, moderate in understanding)
Hindi (moderate in reading and understanding)
Telugu (moderate in reading)
Tulu (moderate in reading)

South East-Asian Languages
Indonesian/Malayisian (moderate in reading)
Khmer (basic knowledge)

Curriculum development and teaching experience

BA-Study Course KuGA - India (since fall term 2007/2008):
- Die Geburt des modernen Asien (Lecture together with colleagues from the departments of Chinese Studies and Japanese Studies)
- Populaerkultur und Gender (Lecture together with colleagues from the departments of Chinese Studies and Japanese Studies)
- Asiatische Geistesgeschichte (Lecture together with colleagues from the departments of Chinese Studies and Japanese Studies)
- Tamil-Literatur – ein Überblick (in 2 Semesters)
- Suedasien: Kultur, Geschichte, Gesellschaft (in 2 Semesters)
- Suedindien: Kultur, Geschichte, Gesellschaft (in 2 Semesters)

since October 2006: Institute of Indology and Tamil Studies, University of Cologne
Magister-Study Course:
- Lecture: Einführung in die Tamilistik
- Lecture: Tamil-Literaturgeschichte – ein Überblick
- Einführung in die Cankam-Literatur, mit Textlektüre
- Einfuehrung in die Indologie: Themen und Persoenlichkeiten
- Advanced Seminar: Veda-Lektüre: Rg-Veda
- Advanced Seminar: Veda-Lektüre: Upanisads
- Advanced Seminar: Pali : Jataka-Lektüre
- Advanced Seminar: Lektüre oraler Tamiltexte
- Advanced Seminar: Tamil Epigraphie
- Advanced Seminar: U. Ve. Caminataiyar : Ausgewählte Passagen aus seiner Autobiographie
- Interdisciplinary Advanced Seminar, together with a colleague from the Department of Romance Studies: Frankophonie in Indien (Pondicherry)
- Interdisciplinary Advanced Seminar, together with a colleague from the Department of Romance Studies: Frankophonie in Indochina (Schwerpunkt: Cambodia)

(further preparatory courses which prior to my department from Singapore I couldn't teach)
- SN4261: Pallava and Chola: Culture and Society
- SN4276: Epic traditions in South and Southeast Asia

November 1999 until July 2006: South Asian Studies Programme of National University of Singapore
- BA-Modul SN 1101e South Asia: People, Culture, Development (This modul is taught concurrently by many colleagues; I taught four courses on "Languages", "Religions", "Caste Hirarchies" and "Village Life" )
- BA-Modul SN2271: Religion and Society in South Asia
- BA-Modul SN2274: South Asian Cultures: An Introduction (First under the title: “Popular Culture and Society in South Asia”)
- BA-Modul SN3274: South Asian Cinema
- BA-Modul SN3276: Indian Religious Texts
- BA-Modul SN3277: South Asia-. Field Studies (6-weeek Module in India)
- MA-Modul SN5001: Bibliographie Resources for South Asian Research
- MA-Modul SN5002: Research Methodologies in South Asian Studies
- PhD-Modul SN6001: Advanced Bibliography of South Asian Studies
- PhD-Modul SN6002-. Advanced Research Methodologies in South Asian Studies
- PhD-Modul SN6003: South Asian Studios: Selected Topics I
- PhD-Modul SN6004: South Asian Studies: Selected Topics 11

1996-1999 : Institute of Indology and Tamil Studies at the University of Cologne
- Einführung ins gesprochene Tamil
- Einführung ins Klassische Tamil : Lektüre ausgewählter Verse (nebst Kommentar) der Cankam-Dichtung
- Orale Tamilliteratur : Lektüre von Volksballaden (nach eigenen Tonbandaufzeichnungen und Transkriptionen)
- Tamil Literaturtheorie: Auszüge aus dem Poru?atikaram des Tolkappiyam
- Lektüre ausgewählter Hymnen des Rg-Veda
- Kulturspezifische Tamil-Witze

1987 : Institute of Indology at the University of Cologne
- Einführung ins klassische Tamil und Lektüre klassischer Texte (Muttollayiram)
- Geschichte der Tamilliteratur
- Lektüre von Tamil-Zeitungen zur Einführung ins Umgangstamil

1980 - 1984 & 1986: Seminar of Oriental Studies and Indology at Ruhr-University Bochum
- Einführung ins Sanskrit (Erstsemester)
- Sanskrit, leichte Lektüre (2./3. Semester)
- Indische Schriftenkunde: Von der Asoka-Brahmi bis zu modernen indischen Schriften
- Tamil für Anfänger
- Tamil, leichte Lektüre
- Lektüre von Tamil Kurzgeschichten
- Lektüre des Tiruvacakam

Short Term Lectureships (DAAD) at Pondicherry-University, India
July-October 1997 and 1998: each 3 months of teaching and fieldwork (with students) in the framework of a project about "Ali of Southern India"

Short Term Lectureship (DAAD) at Madurai Kamaraj-University, India
July-October 1999: teaching the university staff and advanced students about computer-based audio-visual documentary techniques and contributing to the establishment of a website about the programme.

Other teaching experiences and presentations
1994 at the Institute of Indology and Tamil Studies at the University of Cologne:
Zur Einführung in die Tamil-Literaturtheorie (two hours lecture)

1990 at the Institute of Religious Studies of Marburg University:
Tamilische Dorfreligionen (two hours lecture with photo-presentation)

1990 at the Institute of Ethnology and African Studies at University of Munich:
Tamilische Dorfreligionen und ihre Kulte (four hours lecture with photo-presentation)

1987 at Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes:
"Introduction dans la Prosodie Tamoule Classique" (3 double hours


Doctoral Thesis Einführung in das Muttollayiram. Ausgewählte Verse zur Einführung in das klassische Tamil. Mit metrischen, grammatischen und syntaktisch-semantischen Analysen sowie vollständigem Glossar. Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung des Doktorgrades der Philosophischen Fakultät der Universität zu Köln. — Köln 1987. 130 S. (Dissertationsdruck)

- Die Editionen der Asoka-Inschriften von Erragudi. - Herausgegeben und mit einem Vorwort versehen von Klaus-Ludwig Janert. — Bonn: VGH Wissenschaftsverlag,1990. 15, 203 S. (Schriftenreihe des Caulfeild-Meisezahl Instituts für Hochasienforschung. Band 1.)

- A Svstem for Tamil Literature, based on the Subject Catalogue of the Janert Köln Library of Tamil Texts, Vol. 1-2 (in one vol.). - Edited by Klaus-Ludwig Janert in collaboration with Chandran Tucker and N. Narasimhan Poti. — Bonn: VGH Wissenschaftsverlag 1990. 746 S. (Schriftenreihe des Caulfeild-Meisezahl Instituts für Hochasienforschung, Band 2.)

- The Verses on the Precious Jewel Prosody, composed by Amitacakarar with the commentary of Kunacakarar. Text, Translation and Notes. Pondicherry: Institut Français de Pondichery, 1993. 469 S. (Publications du Departement d’Indologie, No. 79)

-"Bemerkungen zu einer neuen Edition der 14 großen Felsedikte des Asoka in Erragudi”, in Studien zur Indologie und Iranistik, Heft 10, 1984. S. 213-229. Reinbek-. Verlag Dr. Inge Wezler
- "Problems in Translating Cankam-Poetry into European Languages". in Tamil Civilization, Vol . 3. No.4 1985. Tamil University Thanjavur
- “A Note an Pali 'pothujanika '", in Tamil Civilization, Vol. 4, No. l&2. 1986. Tamil University, Thanjavur
- "Introduction to Tamil Prosody", in Bulletin de l’Ecole Française d’ Extreme-Orient (BEFE0), No. LXXVII. 1988. S. 165-227. Paris, EFEO
- "Autour des Katai. Note Bibliographique sur le Folklore Tamoul", in Purusartha 18, Paris 1995
- "Tannir — Wasser. Eine Kurzgeschichte von Sundara Ramaswamy. Aus dem Tamil übersetzt", in Die Horen, Bd. 188, 4.Quartal 1997. (Nachgedruckt in: KOLAM 2, Juli 1998)
- "Grundlagen der Tamilischen Literaturtheorie", in KOLAM 1, Januar 1998
- "Sechs Gedichte von Pacuvayya" (Übersetzungen). in KOLAM 1, Januar 1998
- "Kolams von M. Gandhimati" (Präsentation einer südindischen Volkskunst), in KOLAM 1. Januar 1998
- "The Mystery of the Threshold. Ali of Southern India". A Documentary Project by Ulrike Niklas, in Collaboration with Pondicherry University (Indo-German Project of Cultural Anthropology), with the Support of GAES (DAAD). — A Preliminary Account, In KOLAM 1, Januar 1998
- "Auszüge aus Auvaiyars Atticuti". Wiedergabe des Manuskriptes Ms.Or.Fol.347 aus der Staatsbibliothek Preußischer Kulturbesitz zu Berlin, in KOLAM 2, Juli 1998
- "Kotikkavi — Das Flaggengedicht, von Umapati Civacarizar" (Meykantacattiram No. 11). Aus dem Tamil übersetzt und kommentiert, in KOLAM 2, Juli 1998
- "The Beginnings of Aniyilakkanam or Tamil Rhetorics - A first Account", in KOLAM 3, Januar 1999
- "A short introduction to Tamil Prosody, Part 1 ", in KOLAM 3, Januar 1999
- "Zwei Autographe deutscher Missionare aus dem frühen 18. Jahrhundert: Heinrich Plütschau und Bartholomäus Ziegenbalg", in KOLAM 4, Juli 1999
- "Der Tamiilgelehrte Alaku" (Dorfgeschichten von Ki. Rajanarayanan - 1). Aus dem Tamil übersetzt, in KOLAM 4, Juli 1999
- "Der Büffel, der seinen Herrn aus Yamas Klauen rettete" (Dorfgeschichten von Ki. Rajanarayanan - 2). Aus dem Tamil übersetzt. in KOLAM 4, Juli 1999
- "Tiruvacakam 34: uyir unnip pattu - Die Dekade vom Seelenesser". Aus dem Tamil übersetzt und erläutert, in new KOLAM 5&6, Juli 2000
- "Callikkattu - Embracing the Bull, Tamil Style", in newKOLAM 5&6, Juli 2000
- "A Festival for Aiyanar - An illustrated field-report", in newKOLAM 7, Januar 2001
- "Poetics. Prosody and Rhetorics in Classical Tamil Grammar", in Hannes Kniffka (ed.) Indigenous Grammar in Culture-Contrastive Linguistics. Frankfurt/New York: Peter Lang. 2001
- "Not meant to last: the work of the Madurai Velar - A photographic essay", in newKOLAM 8, Juli 2001
- "Not meant to last: the work of the Velar", in R. Nagaswamy (ed.), Foundations of Indian Art, Chennai- Tamil Arts Academy, 2002
- "Jailikkattu" in Margaret A. Mills et al. (eds.) South Asian Folklore: An Encyclopedia, London/New York, Routledge 2003
- "Ali Festival" in Margaret A. Mills et al. (eds.) South Asian Folklore: An Encyclopedia, London/New York, Routledge 2003
- "Bulls for St. Anthony: Religio-Cultural Syncretism in a Cettinatu village", in Jean-Luc Chevillard Eva Wilden (eds.) South Asian Horizons. Pondicherry, Institut Francais de Pondichéry & École Francaise d'Extrenie-Orient, 2004
- 3 entries ("Rama" & "Rishi" & "Krishna") in Phyllis G. Jestice (ed.) Holy People of the World. A Cross-Cultural Encyclopedia. 3 vols. Santa Barbara, ABC-Clio, 2004

On-line Editions in the Internet
"KOLAM. Ein Spiegel Tamilischer Kultur" — Eine Online Zeitschrift. publiziert in der Homepage des Instituts für Indologie und Tamilistik der Universität zu Köln. — Herausgeber: Ulrike Niklas. Mitherausgeber: Sascha Ebeling. - Von 2000-2006 als "newKOLAM" veröffentlicht über den Server der Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences der National University of Singapore. [Zur Zeit in Überarbeitung und Umstellung auf Unicode-Fonts]

Documentary Films
- The Journey of the Clay Horses & Kutiraiyetuppu. Two Documentarv Films. Singapore, Karuppan productions, 2001. [Video-CD mit zwei kurzen Dokumentarfilmen, 15'17" Min. & 25'58" Min.]
- „A Balinese Ramayana. Kecak in Pura Luhur Uluwatu. Singapore, Karuppan productions, 2002. [Video-CD, 49'20" Min.]
- Aravan's Brides. The Ali Festival at Pilliaiyarkuppam & Interview with Gangu. Two Documentary Films. Singapore, Karuppan productions, 2003. [Video-CD mit zwei Dokumentarfilmen, 14'21" Min. 29'49" Min.]
- 'Kanniyamma comes ashore" - The greatest annual religious festival of the Irular-tribe in the region of Cenkalpattu, Tamilnadu. A Video documentation. Singapore, Karuppan productions, 2006
- "Aro-Ara!" Das Vaikaci-vicakam Fest in Madurai und Tirupparankunram. Eine Video-Dokumentation. Pondicherry, Karuppan productions, 2009

Tolkappiyam Ceyyuliyal. The Chapter on the Elements of Poetry. An Annotated Translation. [War akzeptiert und vorgesehen für: Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz; Beiträge zur Kenntnis südasiatischer Sprachen und Literaturen, herausgegeben von Dieter B. Kapp. Die Reihe wurde jedoch inzwischen eingestellt. – Suche nach neuem Veröffentlichungsort]

14 Lexikonbeiträge zur klassischen Tamilliteratur in: Die Literaturen des indischen Subkontinents. Ein Lexikon. (Herausgegeben von Heidrun Bruckner und Rainer Kimmig)

Work in process
- Tradition and Changes: The village of Korkkatu. [Arbeitstitel. - In Arbeit]
- Introduction to Classical Tamil. [Rohfassung fertig. - Überarbeitung nach Feedback von Kollegen. - Fertigstellung voraussichtlich im zweiten Quartal 2010]
- The Story of Alakattevar. Edition, Translation and Study of an Oral Text recorded among the Kallar of the Maturai Region." [Edition und Übersetzung fertiggestellt, jedoch nochmals zu überarbeiten. — Material für Dokumentation, Interpretation und Studien annähernd vollständig vorhanden, muß jedoch noch ergänzt und ausformuliert werden]
- The Beginnings of Tamil Rhetorics. - An Annotated Translation of Viracoliyam-Alankarappatalm, in comparison with Tantiyalankaram and the Sanskrit Kavyadarsa. — Vol. I : Porulani or Arthalankaram "The Embellishments of Sense". [Eine erste Version ist grundsätzlich fertiggestellt, muß jedoch noch einmal gründlich überarbeitet werden, falls möglich unter Einbeziehung der z.Zt. in Thiruvanantapuram in Arbeit befindlichen Kritischen Edition von Viracoliyam. - Projekt momentan zurückgestellt]


- "The Irular of the Plains. About a tribal group in North-East Tamilnatu" [Arbeitstitel]. - [Fertigstellung gegen Ende 2007; Publikation wahrscheinlich in Asian Folklore]
- "How Korkkatu's People see their village" [Arbeitstitel]. - Fertigstellung zweites Quartal 2010; für Publikation in einer Zeitschrift für Visual Anthropology/Ethnology]

Documentary Films
- The annual religious Festival of Korkkatuppettai, the Dalit quarters of Korkkatu [Arbeitstitel] . -[Video-Material vollständig vorhanden; Edition begonnen]

- Descriptive Photo-Database of the Aiyanar-Temples in Pondicherry. [Annähernd fertiggestellt. - Vorgesehen als Co-Publikation als Multimedia-CD und Internetseite des Institut Francais de Pondichery, & National University of Singapore]

In preparation/ planned documentary films
- The village of Korkkatu. [Dokumentarfilm über das Dorf, welches Gegenstand meines vierjährigen Forschungsprojektes war. - Haupt-Video-Material vorhanden, ist allerdings noch zu ergänzen. -Editionsarbeit zu leisten]
- Dämonen und Könige. Ein Porträt des Exorzisten Elumalai im Umfeld der alten Königstadt Ceñci (Arbeitstitel.) [Video-Material vollständig vorhanden. - Editionsarbeit zu leisten]
- Jallikkattu — Eine Dokumentation tamilischer Taurmnachie und ihrer rituellen Hintergründe. (Arbeitstitel.) [Große Teile des benötigten Video-Materials vorhanden, müssen jedoch noch vervollständigt werden (Feldaufenthalt). - Editionsarbeit zu leisten. – Im Mai 2006 habe ich eine Feldforschungsreise nach Südfrankreich unternommen, um die dortigen Formen der Tauromachie zu dokumentieren. Elemente dieser Dokumentationen werden wahrscheinlich in den Film mit eingearbeitet werden]
- Sarasvatipuja (aufgenommen 1994 im Institut Francais de Pondichery) — dokumentiert und analysiert. Video-Dokumentation mit Begleitheft. [Video- und Text-Material vollständig vorhanden. - Editionsarbeit zu leisten]